LIFE IN LOOPS is a remix of images and sounds, a reimagined version of Michael Glawogger's film 'Megacities,' which served as the foundation, providing a portion of the visuals and audio. Unlike other found-footage projects, LIFE IN LOOPS incorporates previously unreleased and newly shot material. This blending and reconfiguration of various image and sound sequences creates fresh perspectives—a film remix. The soundtrack is a crucial element of LIFE IN LOOPS, developed simultaneously rather than being added after the editing was complete. The film was not made as a 'music video' to an existing soundtrack; instead, the sound influences the image editing, just as the image editing shapes the sound. LIFE IN LOOPS is a cohesive whole, thanks in part to the new sequences filmed in Tokyo by 'Megacities' cinematographer Wolfgang Thaler. The resulting product, with its intricate, symbiotic relationship between image and sound, can best be described as an experimental music documentary. (Timo Novotny)